3 Ways Baby Jesus Asserts His Dominance When He Was Born

Slade and Cliff Richard on the airwaves, shopping centres total to bursting, glittering copse and sprigs of mistletoe, teachers frantically putting the finishing touches to school nativity plays up and downward the land – the Christmas season is definitely one that is steeped in tradition.

In backlog of two billion people consider the festive season to be the almost important holiday of the yr. In fact, Christmas has get such a heavyweight in the global calendar that it'southward at present celebrated by more people than any other religious event on the planet.

Merely what near the ii,000-yr old tale that lies at the heart of these celebrations? Is it cold-hard historical fact, a theological flight of fancy, or something in between? Near everyone knows the nativity story – Joseph and Mary's search for room in the inn, the shepherds tending their flocks, the three wise men arriving in the stable bearing glittering gifts. But these episodes were recorded by shadowy scribes, with little corroborating testify, a very long time ago. The story of Jesus'south birth may be among the well-nigh historic in all of literature, but is it possible to root it in history?

This story was recorded by shadowy scribes, with little corroborating evidence, a long time ago

This is a question that scholars have pondered for centuries, and nearly take tried to find the answer in the pages of the about of import books in the entire Christian canon: the gospels.

Gospel truths

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John may exist the authors on whose writings much of our noesis of Jesus'due south life and teaching are based, but for historians investigating the birth story, they throw upward ii major problems. The offset is that two of the books – Mark and John – fail to mention Jesus's nascency at all; the second is that the ii that do – Matthew and Luke – disagree on many of the details.

Matthew and Luke both tell u.s. that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and that his mother, Mary, was a virgin when she gave birth. But these are the only episodes of the nativity story in which the two accounts converge.

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We've got Matthew to thank for the appearance of an angel to Joseph in a dream, the three wise men following the star from the east, and Herod the Great'southward infamous massacre of the innocents. Luke mentions none of these. Instead, it'south from Luke that we learn that "an angel of the Lord" appeared before some shepherds "keeping watch over their flock by nighttime", that Mary and Joseph were forced to travel to Bethlehem to be counted in a Roman demography, and that Jesus was laid in a manger.

For some academics, the discrepancies between Luke and Matthew'south accounts cast further dubiousness on the nativity's historical credibility, only not everyone agrees. "If the evangelists were going to brand up a story nigh the origins of Jesus, and go along their story directly, you would wait their stories non to differ in detail," argues Ben Witherington, a New Testament scholar at Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky. "The fact that they do, suggests we are dealing with two independent witnesses talking about the same events, with the same core substance affirmed past both."

Mary and Joseph at the census of Quirinius – one event used to date Jesus's birth
Mary and Joseph at the census of Quirinius – 1 event used to appointment Jesus'due south birth. (Photo past DeAgostini/Getty Images)

At that place's another fact to have into business relationship here, and that's that Matthew and Luke wrote their gospels around lxx years subsequently Jesus'southward nascency. Given that eyewitnesses to the events of Jesus's life were, by then, rapidly dying out – and that many early Christian communities were isolated from one another, scattered by political upheaval – you could argue that it would be quite an achievement if Matthew and Luke's accounts did agree.

The lack of consensus between Matthew and Luke certainly didn't trouble Dionysius 'the Apprehensive'. In what would become the 6th century Advertizing, this prominent Roman monk invented the Anno Domini era, declaring with cast-fe certainty that Jesus was born in AD ane. It was a bold assertion and it stuck, creating the dating system that we use to this very day. But were Dionysius's calculations any more than than pure guesswork? Can he really have divined the precise yr of Jesus's nativity?

What might have happened to Jesus's body following his crucifixion in the first century Ad? Historian and author Tom Kingdom of the netherlands investigates on this podcast:

From a distance of two millennia, it'south a fiendishly difficult riddle to solve. Just iii incidents in the gospel writers' accounts of the nativity – the census, the massacre of the innocents, and the star of Bethlehem – at least offering some potential clues.

The Roman demography – requiring all Jews to return to their ancestral home to exist counted – is i of the nigh famous incidents in Luke's version of the nativity story. Some historians have cast doubt on the tale, opining that it but wasn't Roman exercise to uproot families in such a way. However, we know from other historical sources that the Roman governor of Syria, Quirinius, chosen a census of Judea – and that he did so in Advert half dozen. Could, so, Jesus have been born in this very year?

If three magi did follow a star two millennia ago, where exactly were they heading?

It's possible. Only at that place's a trouble, presented by ane of the well-nigh notorious episodes in Matthew's version of the nativity: the massacre of the innocents. This sees Herod the Great (the Roman-appointed King of Judea), perturbed by the news that the "King of the Jews" had only been born in Bethlehem, ordering that all males in that town below the historic period of 2 exist put to death.

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Grim fact? Elaborate fiction? Once more, opinion is divided. Some claim that if Herod had indeed ordered the killings, then the first-century historian Josephus – a vehement critic of the Judean rex – would take been quick to condemn him. Witherington, however, sees little reason to doubt Matthew. "So ruthless and paranoid was Herod that he killed his very own children, fearing they planned to usurp his throne. Surely, then, he was more than capable of murdering unknown babies.

The massacre of the innocents
The massacre of the innocents but appears in Matthew's gospel. (Image by Alamy)

"Simply given that Bethlehem probably had fewer than 1,000 residents, the massacre of the innocents would have been a minor item in history, just involving a few small children – perhaps no more than vi or and then."

Minor item or not, the slaughter of the innocents can't have happened in Advertisement 6 – the year of Quirinius's demography – for the simple reason that Herod the Great died in iv BC, a full ten years earlier. So instead of clearing up the confusion over Jesus'due south year of nascence, these two incidents but muddy the waters.


Herod the Great is one of the great bogeymen of the New Testament, the homo who earned his identify in infamy by ordering – so we're told – all baby boys in Bethlehem to be put to death. Herod, who reigned as King of Judea from 37 BC to 4 BC, remains a reviled figure 2,000 years after. But at that place are those historians who debate that he more than merited his championship of 'Corking'.

Bully or irredeemably brutal, Herod could never take been the dominant force in Judea without beingness propped up by the Romans. He was very much their man in the east, and he astutely cemented his powerbase by cultivating good relations with two of the well-nigh powerful men in the empire: first the dandy general Marker Antony, and and so Emperor Augustus, who appointed Herod as Male monarch of Judea and twice increased his territory.

It was with Roman money that Herod earned his reputation as one of the ancient world's great builders, overseeing such architectural gems equally the port of Caesarea on the Mediterranean's eastern declension, and the monumental desert stronghold of Masada that overlooks the Expressionless Sea. His reign likewise coincided with something of a cultural golden age, when historians, poets and philosophers flooded into his court.

Yet his reputation equally a cruel and tyrannical leader appears to be fully warranted. With age came growing paranoia and mental instability, which climaxed in the killing of his married woman and two of his children. Fifty-fifty Emperor Augustus, not averse to acts of brutality himself, was moved to find that it was better to exist Herod'south dog than his son.

Star of wonder

But what about the star of Bethlehem? Tin that shine any calorie-free on the conundrum? The image of the three kings – or magi – following the star to the stable is arguably the most celebrated of the entire nascency story.

For centuries, academics have attempted to peg this star to an astronomical event, 1 that tin in turn exist linked to a precise date. Johannes Kepler, a central figure in the 17th-century scientific revolution, suggested that the magi may have been intrigued by a serial of three conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn, which occurred in vii BC.

Others take suggested that the star may have been a comet or nova, similar one reported by Chinese and Korean stargazers in about five BC. The reality is, of class, we'll never know for certain – especially if the star was, in fact, some kind of local phenomenon as opposed to a significant celestial event. Equally John Mosley, an astronomer at Griffith Observatory in California, puts it: "Maybe it was something that required interpretation, rather than something bright."

If three magi did indeed follow a star to Bethlehem two millennia ago, who were they and where were they heading? A grouping of men called the magi certainly existed in Jesus' time. They belonged to a priestly sect from Persia (at present Iran), described past the Greek historian Herodotus most 500 years earlier. The magi had knowledge of astronomy and the interpretation of prophecy, which is supposedly how they knew it was 'time' for Jesus'due south birth. They accept gone by several names: in one business relationship from Persia they are identified as Hormizdah, Yazdegerd and Perozdh, with the Western church settling on Balthasar, Melchior and Caspar or Gaspar.

"The magi were astrologers and counsellors to kings who made predictions," says Witherington. "They would have taken the star as a sign in the heavens from God that something major was happening."

A silver star inside the Church of the Nativity marks the spot where, it was believed, Jesus was born
A argent star inside the Church of the Nativity marks the spot where, it was believed, Jesus was born. (Epitome by THOMAS COEX/AFP/Getty Images)

Equally to where the magi were headed, for centuries, Christians have believed that Jesus was built-in at the site currently occupied by Bethlehem's Church of the Birth, one of the holiest locales in the whole of Christendom. As for the dwelling house in which he was born, that could perchance take been a cavern used to shelter livestock. Alternatively, information technology may well have been a split-level house favoured past peasants, with the residents living upstairs and their animals kept beneath. Archaeological excavations suggest that such buildings were small and dark with mud-plastered walls. These might non have been chiselled out of the bedrock, but they were no less humble for all that.

It is, of form, on 25 Dec that the celebrations marker Jesus's birth attain a crescendo. Withal few people now contend that this is the precise engagement on which the events described by Luke and Matthew took place. "The story about shepherds in the fields with flocks may suggest that the birth of Jesus really took place in spring," says Witherington.

So how did 25 December come up to be universally accepted as the official date of the Christmas festival? The answer appears to be because this was already a time of year when people across Europe were used to letting their hair downwardly. Past the fourth century AD, midwinter festivals – marking the moment when the Sun started coming dorsum and the days got longer – were a well-established fixture in the heathen calendar.

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In the British Isles, druids cut mistletoe and gave it every bit a approval to mark the winter solstice. In Scandinavia, people marked the 'Yule' festival by dragging evergreens indoors and setting logs alight. And, higher up all, in Rome, revellers had long celebrated the festival of Saturnalia with an orgy of drinking and eating in honour of Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture.

Christmas may not have been particularly original, merely it was fantastically successful. Outset called the Banquet of the Nativity, the festival had spread to Arab republic of egypt by AD 432 and to England by the end of the 6th century. By the end of the 8th century, information technology was being celebrated as far away as Scandinavia. Its prominence in the agenda only increased subsequently Charlemagne was crowned 'Emperor of the Romans' on Christmas Day in AD 800. Past the fourth dimension William the Conqueror was crowned Rex of England at Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day in 1066, information technology was well on its mode to becoming the cultural behemoth it is today.

Back in the Conqueror's twenty-four hours, few would have doubted the historical brownie of the nascency story. Today, in our age of greater scepticism, attitudes have, of class, changed. But does information technology actually matter if the census, the magi and star of Bethlehem are fact or fiction? Should Christians be more concerned with the message that the events surrounding Jesus'southward birth convey? Once again, that depends who you ask.

"It'southward of import to understand that history and theology are interwoven in biblical history, and nothing near the life of Jesus tin can exist theologically truthful that is historically false," opines Ben Witherington.

Dr Helen Bond, professor of Christian origins at the Academy of Edinburgh, has a different have. "I don't think information technology'southward necessary to believe that all those details are historical," she told a BBC documentary in 2013. "I think that the theology of these stories is what's important, and that, in the end, is what these authors were trying to get across."

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Jesus & the nativity: 5 key locales from the gospels

Though some of the incidents described in the gospels might be difficult to verify, pinpointing where they could accept taken place is not

This is reputed to be the spot where the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, Jesus's mother, and appear that she would bear the son of God, an effect known as the annunciation. Though the current well is a non-functioning reconstruction, information technology sits above an underground spring that served as a watering hole for Palestinian villagers for centuries.



For 1,600 years, Christians have believed that this church in Jerusalem'southward old city encloses the site of Jesus's crucifixion and burial. Since Constantine the Great dedicated it around Advertisement 336, the church building has had something of a chequered history, existence destroyed by both Persian and Fatimid armies. The drinking glass-encased Stone of Calvary, where the crucifixion is supposed to have taken identify, is the church'southward most-visited area today.

Overlooking eastern Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives sits a site that will forever be associated with anguish and spiritual struggle – the garden of Gethsemane. Information technology was here, according to the gospels, that Jesus agonised over his fate immediately subsequently the Last Supper, telling God that "The spirit is willing, only the mankind is weak."



The baptism of Jesus past John the Baptist is believed to accept taken place at Al-Maghtas, on the eastward bank of the River Hashemite kingdom of jordan. A UNESCO World Heritage site, Al-Maghta is considered and so important to Jesus's story that it has attracted popes and heads of state.



The Church building of the Nascency is one of Christendom's holiest sites. The basilica hither is the oldest major church in the Holy State, founded past the Roman emperor Constantine the Great in the Advert 320s. Simply it is the grotto, a level below the main church – where a silver star marks the spot where, it'due south believed, Jesus was born – that has proved nigh alluring for visitors for 1,600 years.

This article was first published in the Christmas 2019 edition of BBC  History Revealed


Source: https://www.historyextra.com/period/ancient-history/true-story-nativity-how-much-known-about-birth-jesus-christmas/

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